Tuesday 8 May 2012


So, prom is coming up.. not that I'm going this year, but I've thought about it and, I think I'm going to help you guys and girls on what some girls might want or dream about on how to propose to prom.
Well, it's how I'd like to be asked, but a lot of other girls probably wouldn't mind these ideas.

  • Be romantic and thoughtful on how you'll ask that special someone
  • don't be disappointed if they say no
  • stay positive and happy no matter the outcome
  • don't be nervous
1. scavenger hunt:
okay, I know it sounds weird but, hey is always cute to send them on a scavenger hunt to find you... best thing to do, leave your identity a mystery.. you will be the prize at the end of the hunt. 
Start by leaving a note on her locker, and try and make the messages rhyme and maybe leave a flower pedal
 ( her favourite flower) with each note just to tie it all together. Don't keep the hunt to long, try and keep it short but not too short. At the end, have you standing there, maybe in a mask, with a note asking prom? and her favourite flowers in your hand (don't be cheap and use the flower you used to take the flower pedals off -.-). Then reveal yourself and take the mask off :) 
{this is a good idea if your prom theme is masquerade} 
2. gifts:
another weird one, but I don't mean like; "Oh, here, I bought you tons of gifts and spent more money on this then I did on my laptop!" no, I mean, it's the thought that counts, so I find it romantic when a person, tries to find some of my favourite things out about me and give them to me.. an example, what's their favourite coffee/how do they take their coffee? what's their favourite flower? favourite sports team? what's their favourite colour? 
For me, I like my Mocha cafĂ© coffee from Tim Hortons, daisies are my favourite flower, Go Chicago Black Hawks! and I like the colour yellow. So I'd find it kind of romantic if the person who wants to ask me to prom, was at my locker one morning with my favourite coffee, in a Chicago Black Hawks jersey
 (or in my favourite colour of shirt), as well as holding a bunch of colourful daisies. That's just flat out sweet because you took the time to figure out what their favourites are. (Sometimes it's easy to find this stuff out by, asking their friends or stalking their facebook profile or throwing this questions into conversations with the person, but not all of these questions in the same conversation though).
3. A planned date:
If your already dating, or are just friends, ask them to go out with you, don't make it seem like a date however, call it an adventure. Go and do something they'd be interested in. Spend the day with them. 
An example, ask them if they want to go on an adventure with you, pack a picnic lunch, heck maybe even make the lunch together to bond a little bit, go out for a hike if they like hiking, or maybe just go for a ride in he car to a nice park, or take a nice trip on the subway (but have a nice destination, example a park). Once you get there just hang out, have a picnic in the park, at the end, when having a pudding cup for dessert, or cupcake, either mention, "hey, proms coming and I was wondering if you want to maybe go with me?" make it official with something of there favourite (ex. flower). Or go into the bag you carried the lunch in and pull out a note that asks "Prom?" Make it special and make it something you would do and memorable. 

Well, those are just a few of my ideas on how to ask someone to prom, or maybe just to ask someone out.. 
Just a few reminders, make it special, make it yours, and whatever you do... DON'T ASK THEM OUT OVER THE COMPUTER OR TEXT MESSAGE!  That just makes you look really wimpy as well as make it easier to say no too.  Never ask someone out behind a screen. That's just terrible, at least have the courage to call them and ask, although, that's still pretty easy to say no too. Make the effort, take the time, Do it in person... All I have to say is, GOODLUCK!  I believe you'll all do fine in asking that special someone to go to prom with you or to date you. 