Thursday 29 September 2011

Realized what I've been dreaming about...

Lately I've been having strange dreams. Monday night I had a dream I cut my own ear off. Tuesday night I had a dream of having a lame party with vampires and zombies. Then last night I had a dream I was at a coffee shop and spend over $200. I've researched these and discovered a lot. Monday's dream could have meant that in real life I might be getting bad news. Tuesday's dream could have meant that I'm unsure of my social skills, and that I feel dead inside because I miss someone, the person I know is no good for me, but still miss them. Then last night's dream, which could have meant that, I should meet up with and old friend or group of old friends and catch up, and that I should gain insight before tacking a relationship, yet I'm looking for love.

to the past person;
These dreams were very random, and yet I think they might have to do with you. I miss you a lot but, I know you're not the greatest person to have in my life. My friends even say so. Lately I've been feeling down because I want you back into my life, but, I know my friends won't except you. they still don't think I'm strong enough to deal with you and they think you may have been the cause of my depression, when we hung up our friendship a couple of months ago, I felt happiness, so I thought and they thought, "no you, no problems", which isn't the case at all. I can feel myself slipping into sadness again, why? I think it might have to do with you not being in my life. Come back soon.... please? 


Monday 26 September 2011

Sept. 26, 2011; My Thoughts

People reading this, I warn you now. My spelling can be terrible at times and my thoughts are scrambled all over the place. I only blog about what I feel and want to say to people. These are the letters I wish I could sent to the ones I wish back into my life and the letters I wish I could send to the ones I dread.  
To the past person;
I know you don't understand what I am thinking, but that's because I haven't told. I haven't told you what I am thinking not because I don't want to, but because, if I did, my friends would disapprove of my actions. I want you back in my life yet at the same time, I'm scared to have you back, I'm scared of the hurt. I know I am stubborn for saying this, that I don't want to be the person to speak first, but it's because I only know what to say when you come and talk to me. I miss you a lot, but if anyone found out, I'd be a dead man walking.