Wednesday 4 January 2012


To the New Year Resolutions, I found a loop hole....My New Year Resolution is to turn another year older! something that is hard to break.. HA!


But, if you really want my New Year Resolution list it's to:
1.  get a laptop to help with my schooling and to blog more. ;)

2. smile more.
3. find something to love/ love doing.
4. Make ONE new friend.
5. go on one date
6. that's it I guess.
Not that big of goals, not really goals at all but, are HUGE deals to me. I mean for one, I'm shy so making friends is harder then it seems, two, smiling is a weird thing to me, I'm not one to smile very often, three I LOVE to spend money and question where it all went after 2 weeks of going broke, four, I don't have enough time to find a hobby, and five, dating has never,ever, been my thing, I've never really experienced a real first date before and not a lot of people take interest in a girl like me, I'm just too unique I guess you can say...

Well, I'm off for the night,
Good-Luck to those who have resolutions and plan to stick with them, and Good-Luck to everyone and their New Year. Here's to 2012, just another year,

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