Saturday 31 December 2011


So, it's a New Year and I'm ready for a lot of change. I want this year to be positive and awesome not crappy like 2011.
To the New Year! Cheers!


Service Boy

Seriously bro, you still don't get my sarcasm do you? It's cool you'll get it eventually..
Maybe I was just a tad rude with you, but, I was mad, well upset, I know it seems weird but, I have mood swings when I rethink my past and today I was reflecting on this crappy ass year I've had and I'm just ready for a new year.  I hope we'll keep in touch if i don't stay in the New Year.


Friday 30 December 2011

Service Boy

Dear Service Boy, I think I see you more like a brother to me now. It seems to me that you care for me as a brother would and I like that, I like knowing I have someone that is older then me to take care of me seeing as I don't have an older sibling. But as my brother you should know this, I think I like your actual younger brother... AWKWARD.... uhm yeah.... so see you at work right?


Tuesday 20 December 2011


Please smile.
I want you to be happy.
I want you to be you.
I've seen you upset for a few days now, and it kills me to know I can't do anything to give you your joy back.
Friend, I want you to smile, so I promise I will do all of my best to make you smile again, because, when you're happy, I'm happy, when you're sad, I lose my mind (even more then I already have).
If it makes you feel better, I will make a fool of myself, just to make you happy again.
I care!

I've Lost

I've lost everything it seems.
I've lost my joy, my happiness,
I've lost my friends and family,
I've lost my school work,
I've lost weight.
I've lost my time,
I've lost everything.
I've lost my mind, I claim I am insane because there is no sanity here, nothing makes sense anymore, I'm a nervous wreck. The only thing I've gained is money, which hasn't brought me happiness, the saying is right, money DOESN'T give you happiness. When will I get my life back? When will I find my sanity?

Saturday 17 December 2011

Merry (Early) Christmas

To society,
it's still Merry Christmas not Happy holidays... just saying...
if it makes you feel better, Merry Christmas and happy holidays
And it's never going to be a holiday tree it will always be a Christmas tree.
If it makes you feel better, it will be an Evergreen Tree.

I had to get that off my chest sorry

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Jingle Jingle is the noise I hear now when I see you

Dear Mr.Guitar-Car man,
I've seen you a couple of times now lately around school, and when I see you, I tend to hear a "jingle", if you will, in my head. It's not wedding bells, it's a Christmas bell, maybe it's just my imagination because of Christmas coming up soon, which I'm looking forward to. See you at Christmas Eve when our parents make us meet. :$


P.S. yes, our parents know each other, this is the moment when you say under your breath, oh,uhm,awks....

To the Jolly Old Santa

Dear Santa,
Yes, I am very aware of how old I am, and that is past the age of believing in you, but i do have a Christmas Wish List. I only want a few things is that to much to ask? All I want for Christmas is a boy, any boy, well no I do have standards...I want a boy who is nice, and romantic, a protective guy, who is smart and isn't afraid to be himself around me, and maybe you can send him to my door Christmas morning with a flower or two in his hand and the teddy bear I want. I would also like an extra $50 to buy children toys and give them to the toy drive. I'm not asking for a lot, and I'd love to see these presents under the Christmas tree, but maybe they could be there before Christmas Eve.

Lots of love Santa.

Service Boy

Dear Service boy,
you're older than me, and above me at work, yet you seem to take an interest in me... why? I'm nothing compared to the other girls, you could do way better than me, a woman closer to your age, but don't get me wrong I'm not complaining that you might like me, I'm cool with that "yo", which reminds me, you talk way to much in slang, which makes you seem closer to my age. Listen, you make me laugh and smile on those days I dread when I have to go to work and I really don't want to be there, you're awesome Service boy, don't ever change and if you want me still in a few years and you're willing to wait for me, then I'll see you in a few years on a date. But, until then, let's just flirt and be friends :)


It's been a while

Dear audience,
How have you all been? It's been way to long since the last time I blogged, and I must say that I am sorry, I've been busy with work and school and balancing family and friends with that mix, so somethings have to suffer like my blog.
No worries I have a few days off to relax and so, I will continue on with my letters.

thanks for reading! and I am really sorry for the wait!


Monday 14 November 2011

Taking a Break

I'm taking a little break just to relax a bit. I'll be back maybe in less then a week to blog again :)
Adios for a little bit

Friday 11 November 2011

Before I SleepTonight

To Mr.Guitar-Car-Man,
I'm just sitting in my bed, wondering when I'll see you again, I want to know you so bad, I wish to know you. I know tonight I will fall asleep thinking about you. I know you don't know me very much other then, I'm in a club, go to your school, and my name. I hope to change that one day soon. Good-night Mr.Guitar-Car-Man, until another day,

Wishing for You

To Mr.Guitar-Car Man,
I wished for you to come and talk to me for a little bit one day, you came to me and told me something random about the campaign I was running, I laughed it off and smiled at you. I hope you come and talk to me again someday soon and we can hold down a conversation.

Monday 7 November 2011

Quick Glance

Dear Mr. Guitar-Car-Man,
I seen you today quickly, you wouldn't look away until I did. Maybe there was another person behind me, maybe there was something else you were looking at around me, but, to my eyes, it seemed like you were looking at me and you were caught. I hope my mind isn't just playing games with me, I really hope we will meet someday and that someday came soon. 

Sunday 6 November 2011

Something New

Okay so I know this isn't a letter, but I want to have something different go with my letters. I think I'm going to try and make a post about a movie (either new or old) at the beginning of the month (or close to it).
This Post will be the First Movie Review Post  ever on my blog. 
P.S: most of the time it will be a horror genre movie. 

Movie: The Blair Witch Project
Came out in 1999
Runs for about 1hour and 25 mins
Okay so, you know the movies Paranormal Activity and the other 2 right? well the Blair Witch Project was "apparently" one of the first movies to be filmed by "normal" people, with no script and no budget, just home movies.  Anyways here's a Spoiler, It's about these 3 young people who hear about the Blair Witch and how she lived in the woods and would take 2 kids at a time and kill one while the other one would watch the corner. So they travel into the woods, and they get lost, WOW! shocking right? -_- and then, they go to bed, wake up find rocks in a pile, they all lose their sanity, they go to bed, wake up one guy is missing, next day wake up, they look for him, cant find him, go to bed wake up to hear screaming, cant find out where the noise is coming from, next day, they wake up to find a bunch of twigs tided together so the girl opens it to find some bloody thing that looks like a tongue, later they go looking for their friend only to find a house find a house, hear their friend screaming, can't find him in the house, and then it ends with the guy in the corner.... Scary right? -_______-  I found it a waste of my time....
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being a great horror movie, I give this movie, a wtf? where is the scare? Where is the horror? wtf? not even on the scale of 1-10 that's how it was.

If you think different PLEASE feel free to comment below, and try to explain to me how this movie scared you.

To the Guy I am Close to

Dear lacrosse Player,
I know we are close, and we drift away when it's warm outside, and become close when it's cold, and you were the one to point this out to me. The truth is I really do miss you, and what I said to you today was a lie. I knew exactly what was going on last night, even if you don't. Text you next weekend and repeat it all over again and act like it never happened.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Wish to Know You (Letter 2)

Dear Mr. Guitar-Car-Man & Dream Dude,
I wonder if, maybe you might be the same guy, the one who walks with me in the snow, the one who picks me up from work on my late night shifts. I wonder, could "fate" be sending me a message in my sleep. Last night in my dream I finally seen Dream Dude's face, and it kind of looked like you Guitar-Car-Man. I hope that my dream was true, and I hope to know you soon Mr.Guitar-Car-Man.
Sincerely ,

To the Man in My Dreams (Letter 2)

Dear Dream Dude,
You walk with me in the snow last night in my dream. You told me to stand under a street light and you said,"Nope, any angle and which way the light hits you, you're always beautiful." If only you truly did exist, but if you do, please come find me. I want to walk in a snow storm with you, I want to hold hands with you on this walk. 

Thursday 3 November 2011

Stay Away from the Pain

Dear Sweet Pea,
I know you like him, and you think he likes you, that might not be the case. You say you guys are close, but if you guys were so close why did he break your heart? I believe you might be his fall back. I'm not going to tell you what to do or who to date, all I'm trying to say is, I'll watch your back. If you think he's the right guy, fine, but know that I will always be here for you! Keep your head high Sweet Pea and never give up on your dreams. 


A Word from the Heart

To the boys of the world....Go after the person you have a thing for ;) 
I'm not suggesting you ask them out on a date right away, I'm just saying, better be friends with them, than not anything at all right?
Just a word from a heart.


Wednesday 2 November 2011

Saying Goodbye

To the past person;
It's time we say goodbye. You're done with me I can obviously see, and I am fully happy now knowing you don't want a thing to do with me. I thought I'd let you know, I've moved on. I'm super happy you don't want anything to do with me, at least now I know.

Goodbye Past Person.

Hello fresh start :) 

Need Sleep

Dear tiredness, 
Please go away I beg of you. I know it's hard for you to leave because I haven't been getting that much sleep, but, I need to stay alert and focused on school.

Dear body,
I know I've been working you hard and late a lot now of days, and you're tired, but from here on out, until after Christmas, you're going to be worked harder and longer now that we have a job. Some tips for us, drink more caffeine and sleep as much as we can, when we can, and exercise too, we have to look good while working ;) 
If you can normally work during the Halloween season you can work the Christmas season too. 


Tuesday 1 November 2011


Dear close cousin,
As I get further and further away, I realize how I miss you more and more. I will run to you if  I can because I love you with all my heart and no one will take that love away from me.
You're my best friend, and my best cousin. You will one day be my maid of honor because you know me best, you understand me best. I love you. Just know that!
love you forever,

To the Man in My Dreams

Dear Dream Dude,
I hope you are real. That you really do exist, that you will one day show up in my life and make me smile and laugh like you do when I dream of you. I don't even know who you are but, I know, when I really meet you mystery dream dude, I will want to hold your hand instantly. Please be real. Please be true. 
I hope we meet someday soon.


Wish to Know You

Dear Mr. Car-Guitar-Man,
I wish I knew you. This may seem creepy a bit, but, I see you almost everyday. And when I look at you, you tend to look up and look at me so I look away. I really wish I knew you, but all I know is your name, you're a year older than I, that your in a band and can drive, I apologize on how creepy that sounded, but that is all I know. I hope one day, "fate" will bring us together and we'll finally meet. 
Until then,
AdiĆ³s Mr. Car-Guitar-Man.


Thursday 29 September 2011

Realized what I've been dreaming about...

Lately I've been having strange dreams. Monday night I had a dream I cut my own ear off. Tuesday night I had a dream of having a lame party with vampires and zombies. Then last night I had a dream I was at a coffee shop and spend over $200. I've researched these and discovered a lot. Monday's dream could have meant that in real life I might be getting bad news. Tuesday's dream could have meant that I'm unsure of my social skills, and that I feel dead inside because I miss someone, the person I know is no good for me, but still miss them. Then last night's dream, which could have meant that, I should meet up with and old friend or group of old friends and catch up, and that I should gain insight before tacking a relationship, yet I'm looking for love.

to the past person;
These dreams were very random, and yet I think they might have to do with you. I miss you a lot but, I know you're not the greatest person to have in my life. My friends even say so. Lately I've been feeling down because I want you back into my life, but, I know my friends won't except you. they still don't think I'm strong enough to deal with you and they think you may have been the cause of my depression, when we hung up our friendship a couple of months ago, I felt happiness, so I thought and they thought, "no you, no problems", which isn't the case at all. I can feel myself slipping into sadness again, why? I think it might have to do with you not being in my life. Come back soon.... please? 


Monday 26 September 2011

Sept. 26, 2011; My Thoughts

People reading this, I warn you now. My spelling can be terrible at times and my thoughts are scrambled all over the place. I only blog about what I feel and want to say to people. These are the letters I wish I could sent to the ones I wish back into my life and the letters I wish I could send to the ones I dread.  
To the past person;
I know you don't understand what I am thinking, but that's because I haven't told. I haven't told you what I am thinking not because I don't want to, but because, if I did, my friends would disapprove of my actions. I want you back in my life yet at the same time, I'm scared to have you back, I'm scared of the hurt. I know I am stubborn for saying this, that I don't want to be the person to speak first, but it's because I only know what to say when you come and talk to me. I miss you a lot, but if anyone found out, I'd be a dead man walking.